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Pentti Tynkkysen suullinen historia sosiaalisesti vastuullisen muusikkouden ilmentäjänä
In this article, located in the field of opera studies, I examine the work of Pentti Tynkkynen (b. 1943) among opera projects in different parts of Finland. Tynkkynen has composed 12 operas that have been carried out by local forces, mostly through voluntary work, aimed for local audiences. Also, the themes in Tynkkynen’s operas have dealt with local events or individuals. In this article have assigned Tynkkynen’s life work among opera as ‘opera work’ and his opera compositions as ‘local operas’. The study was conducted by means of narrative interviews. On the basis of the interviews with Tynkkynen, I have construed his oral history with a focus on his opera work. I conducted the interviews during autumn 2017 and spring 2018 with five interviews altogether. In addition to the narrative methodology, the research is based on the professionalism studies and the sociology of music. The image of Tynkkynen constructed in this study presents him as a multiprofessional, socially responsible musician who has aspired to gain knowledge for its own sake, on one hand, and for the benefit of the community, on the other. The research shows that Tynkkynen’s opera work has played a significant role for the communities where his opera projects have taken place. It has offered various learning opportunities, i.e. ‘affordances’ (DeNora 2002) for local amateur musicians, and affordances for the local communities to relate and experience a sense of community.