Musiikin prosessuaalisuuden huomaaminen – Deleuzen ja Guattarin inspiroimia musiikkietnografisia tutkimuksia
This article expands the concept of musicking (Small 1998) through engagements with Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s thinking, especially their notion of becoming. Deleuze and Guattari’s ideas are explored in relation to four examples of ethnographic research in which musicking is understood in terms of processual, multi-faceted and fundamentally relational becomings. The selected examples connect with several areas of music research: popular music studies, art music studies, musical performance studies, dance studies and ethnomusicology. The new understandings of musicking that the article proposes also draw from the concept of noticing (Stewart 2007). Noticing musicking means noticing processes that are related to music but which have not necessarily been previously categorized as music or musicking. We examine how musicking bodies can produce new becomings of milieus, how vibrations are indispensable within rap musicking and improvisatory dance, how non-human factors can participate in constituting musical events and the ways in which the significantly codified practices of Western classical music are ultimately a dynamic confluence effect of diverse becomings. The offered examples aim at pushing ethnographic and interpretative methodologies towards the noticing of repeated becomings and relational actualizations within heterogeneous sonic, material and social realities.