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Taustamusiikkiliiketoiminnan sosiokulttuurinen muutos
From Compact Cassettes to Music Streaming Services: The Sociocultural Change of Background Music Industry
The history of electronically mediated background music in Finland can be divided into era of scarcity, era of availability and era of plenty. The centralised and regulated supply of background music of the 1970s was followed by re-regulation of media and establishment of commercial radio stations increasing music consumption and listening to it while engaged to other activities. Analogue and tape-based solutions were first replaced with physical digital platforms and programming and finally with music streaming applications and music contents of the international media houses.
The transformation of music platforms, music delivery channels and modes of listening are closely related to histories of technology,
the social use of music and agencies of background music entrepreneurs. The article clarifies the transforming relationship of the environment, listening and music from the 1970s to the present day with the help of recent and archived interviews of representatives of background music companies.
Keywords: background music; music cultures; anthropology of sound