Muusikkous musiikin ja yhteiskunnan kohtauspaikkana: työelämälähtöinen avaus muusikkoustutkimukseen


  • Ilona Rimpilä


In this article I examine on what grounds and how it would be possible to fit work life-based perspectives into research on musicological musicianship. Over the past twenty years culture, the arts and education have become increasingly driven by economic considerations, especially in the way they have become integrated into an economic policy-directed production chain. One result of this is that work life has begun to transform, and the current public conversation focuses on "new work life" and issues of precarisation. I propose that research on musicological musicianship has not dealt adequately with this new approach. Precarian ways of working (freelancing, self-employing and entrepreneuring in this context) are becoming increasingly relevant in many professional fields, though they have been typical ways of working in music for some time. Thus, knowledge gained from musicians working in these ways could have far-reaching impacts in a wide range of additional fields. In this article I begin by examining how research on musicianship has been touched by the work life aspect. Next, I extend these reflections to the broader area of humanistic artist research, and note the lack of work life aspects here in general. I conclude by proposing what kinds of empirical data, research methods and research frameworks would be optimal to study this new musicianship of the 21st Century.





How to Cite

Rimpilä, I. (2020). Muusikkous musiikin ja yhteiskunnan kohtauspaikkana: työelämälähtöinen avaus muusikkoustutkimukseen. Musiikki, 46(2-3), 86–101. Retrieved from